We can customize keymaps by same syntax with. :w, :q, :tabnew, :split, a part of :set command and so on Textsearch and highlight by /, incremental search by :set incsearch Yank( y), delete( d), change( c), undo( u), redo( Ctrl-r), text object operation( ciw, ci'. The followings are commonly used Vim features supported by IdeaVim. In this blog post, I'll introduce what features IdeaVim supports, how to setup IdeaVim, and how great IdeaVim is.
So, IntelliJ with Vim-like operation can take both of these advantages. A concept of the mode(normal/insert/visual). The advantages in each of IntelliJ and Vim are as follows, I think. This plugin are officially developed by Jetbrains as you can see the repository owner name. IdeaVim is a Vim emulation plugin for IntelliJ or other Jetbrains IDEs.